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2021-12-22 TIL

December 22 2021

I made some big progress on running the content script on its designated pages! ๐Ÿฅฐ

2021-12-21 TIL

December 21 2021

I worked on the popup page of the chrome extension project, and looked into the architecture of a content script. ๐Ÿš—

2021-12-19 TIL

December 19 2021

I finished the Express crash course! โœŒ

2021-12-18 TIL

December 18 2021

I focused on the Express crash course. ๐ŸŽ‡

2021-12-15 TIL

December 15 2021

I spent the whole day to try and get my head around the chrome extension architecture.

2021-12-14 TIL

December 14 2021

I started an Express crash course! ๐Ÿ˜Ž I learned:

2021-12-13 TIL

December 13 2021

I finished the Node.js crash course! ๐Ÿ˜ I learned:

2021-12-11 TIL

December 11 2021

I started the Node.js crash course! ๐Ÿคฉ I learned:

2021-12-10 TIL

December 10 2021

I finished the Web3schools Node.js tutorial! ๐Ÿคฉ I learned:

2021-12-09 TIL

December 09 2021

I started touching on Node.js! ๐Ÿ I learned:

2021-12-07 TIL

December 07 2021

Iโ€™m done updating the project! ๐ŸŽ‰

2021-12-06 TIL

December 06 2021

Iโ€™m still practicing React.js! ๐Ÿ˜‰

2021-12-03 TIL

December 03 2021

I finished the React crash course! ๐Ÿคฉ I learned:

2021-12-02 TIL

December 02 2021

I am learning React.js by following a crash course! ๐Ÿ˜Ž I learned:

2021-12-01 TIL

December 01 2021

I explored some JavaScript libraries today. Turns out there is a whole bunch of different libraries with specific functionalities. My goal for now is to lear...

2021-11-30 TIL

November 30 2021

I learned some basic CSS and applied it to the project. ๐Ÿฅฐ

2021-11-29 TIL

November 29 2021

The to-do list project is very close to reaching perfection! ๐Ÿ˜Š

2021-11-28 TIL

November 28 2021

I added even more details to the to-do list project! ๐Ÿฅฐ

2021-11-27 TIL

November 27 2021

I added the following details to the to-do list project:

2021-11-26 TIL

November 26 2021

I continued working on the to-do list project! ๐Ÿ˜‰

2021-11-25 TIL

November 25 2021

I started my very first (and tiny) JavaScript project, creating a to-do list! ๐Ÿ˜บ

2021-11-24 TIL

November 24 2021

I have finished learning the basics of JavaScript! ๐ŸŒผ

2021-11-23 TIL

November 23 2021

I am still focusing on Javascript! ๐Ÿ˜

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December 05 2021

โœ’ Reference: MDN Web Docs -

spread syntax

December 03 2021

โœ’ Reference: MDN Web Docs - Spread syntax (โ€ฆ)

filter() function

December 02 2021

โœ’ Reference: MDN Web Docs - Array.prototype.filter()

Arrow functions

December 02 2021

โœ’ Reference: MDN Web Docs - Arrow function expressions

map() function

December 02 2021

โœ’ Reference: MDN Web Docs -

addEventListener() vs onclick

November 28 2021

Both addEventListener() and onclick listen for an event, and execute a callback function when a button is clicked.

JavaScript basics

November 24 2021

โœ’ This note is created based on: JavaScript tutorial by โ€˜Coding Everybodyโ€™.

JavaScript Statements

November 22 2021

โœ’ Reference: Loops and iteration from the Mozilla JavaScript Guide.

JavaScript Grammar and types

November 22 2021

โœ’ Reference: Grammar and types - JavaScript Guide by Mozilla I have excluded the syntax that are identical to those of Java.

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Custom Widgets

November 18 2022

Making custom widgets stless + Tab after the code for MyApp Creating a โ€˜functionโ€™ that can be reused ```Dart class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const...

Flexible and Extended

November 17 2022

Flexible Controlling the width/height by % return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(), body: Row ( children: [ // First box ta...

Layout Styling

November 16 2022

Styling in Flutter Text: TextStyle Picking colors: Color.fromRGBO(r, g, b, opacity) / Color(0xffaaaaaa) / Colors.ColorName Other styles include fontSize...

Flutter Basics

November 12 2022

Flutter Basics Main structure Dart only runs code inside void main() ```dart import โ€˜package:flutter/material.dartโ€™;

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Node JS crash course

December 10 2021

โœ’ Reference: Node.js crash course by Traversy Media Node.js v17.2.0 documentation Everything you should know about โ€˜moduleโ€™ & โ€˜requireโ€™ in Node.js


December 09 2021

โœ’ Reference: Node.js tutorial from W3 schools, Beginnerโ€™s Guide by Fireship

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Chrome Extension

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Machine Learning

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Artificial Intelligence

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Coding Challenges

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New App Idea!

July 19 2024

I have a grand plan to create an IELTS mock-up test application powered by OpenAI!

Eclipse tips

September 08 2023

Shortcuts sysout + ctrl + . creates System.out.println()

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CSS basics

November 30 2021

โœ’ Reference: CSS Tutorial by W3Schools

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React Hooks

December 04 2021

โœ’ Reference: React Docs

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December 08 2021

โœ’ Reference: jQuery tutorial from W3 schools

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Express crash course

December 19 2021

โœ’ Reference:Express crash course by Traversy Media Express API Reference

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Version control

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CLI, Git

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VI editor

September 06 2023

VI is useful in a CLI-only envireonment, especially when changing remote configurations in a service.

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Coding Challenges, Functional Programming

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JAVA build system: Maven

September 12 2023

Introduction Apache Maven is a build-automation tool that provides an easy way to develop JAVA applications Generating a Maven project: mvn archetype:buil...

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