
I continued working on the to-do list project! 😉

I looked at:

  • How to dynamically store the input from the user
  • Difference between document.write() and Element.innerHTML
  • Exact definition of Node, Element, and Document interface and how they are related

I was not sure why the saved input would load on a new page, then found out that document.write() writes on a document stream and it should only be used when loading the page for the first time.

I spent most of my time today trying to get a better understanding of the Web APIs, so the html page looks pretty much the same as yesterday.

The next steps are:

  1. Dynamically storing the input using createTextNode and appendChild
  2. The rest (Creating a delete button and a pop-up box that shows the full text when hovering the mouse on each of the to-do element)




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