
Iā€™m still practicing React.js! šŸ˜‰

  • I made some notes about JS array functions like some(), filter(), etc.
  • Also made some more changes on the react todo list project.

There are minor changes to the layout of the project:

  • Tasks with reminder set as true have a bar at the left side, instead of having a background color.
  • An ellipsis icon is added for each task to hide the three icons, and GRID was used instead of flex box to improve the overall layout.

I implemented the edit and done functionalities by introducing new states, isDone and editing to Task.js. Since the task element is saved in the top level, edit function was added to App.js and passed into other components as props.

Now the task values are modified successfully, but I still need to work on getting new values from the user. The edit box that should be added share a lot of components with AddForm.js, so I will probably modify and reuse it.

The todo list looks like this now: React-todo-2

Next up:

  • Finish editing the project
  • Learn jQuery!




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