WWW (INFO30005 W1)
How was the www invented?
- 1990
- Tim Berners-Lee and Nicola Pellow built the first web browser
How does it work?
- In 90s:
- Hypertext (navigation through hypercards) as HTML, internet as HTTP: WWW (1990)
- WWW: Extend the idea of hypertext on one computer to hypertext over any computer
- HTML defines the structure of the document, and how the links work
- HTTP defines how the messages run between the computers
What is a web app?
- The web is not the internet; it’s an application that runs on the internet
- Internet itself is another set of protocols
- Once you have the TCP/IP layers, you have the ability to build applications at a higher level and invent a protocol that involves messages being sent back and forth.
- v 0.9 (1991) one verb: GET a resource
- HTML2 (1995) <FORM> tag ○ No longer a read-only web (login names & pw, description of order, etc.)
- v 1.0 (1996) GET and POST messages
- v 1.1 (1997) GET POST PUT DELETE a resource
- (2010) PATCH (partially) update a resource
WWW is client-server
- Client sends GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request, then the executes the corresponding script. (output is HTML or JSON)
- Most of the times DB is involved.
Running a server using Node.js
const http = require('http')
// Create a server ready to take action
// Callback function runs everytime server recieves an http request
const server = http.createServer( (req, res) => {
console.log('someone connected to the server')
// Add stuff to the browser (make a little web page!)
res.write('<h1>Hello, world!</h1>')
res.write('<p>Hello again</p>')
// Listen to the server at the particular TCP/IP port
server.listen(8080, () => {
console.log('listening on 8080')
What is a server?
- a computer running server software (e.g. Apache, MS IIS, Node.js)
- ‘listens’ on a particular TCP/IP port
- accepts Requests, sends Responses
- runs application code to make responses
- your dev laptop is a server (localhost)
- can be ‘on premise’ or ‘in the cloud’
- trend is to host web apps on cloud platforms (e.g. Heroku, Firebase, AWS, Azure)
- ‘serverless’ auto-scaling
- microservice architectures
What does a web developer do?
- design the user interface (a set of HTML files, CSS stylesheets, and other assets)
- set up and program a web server such that it delivers these assets when requested by authorised users
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