
What is a Web API?

  • Web API: Application programming interface for the Web
  • Provides communication or interaction between software applications, and enables web sites and client applications to have access to certain data
  • We can make use of a large number of Web APIs available!
  • Typically used with JavaScript (not always the case)

I did some research about the following four interfaces since they are frequently used!

1. EventTarget

  • Implemented by any object that can receive events and may have listeners on them
  • Any target of events implements the three methods:
    • EventTarget.addEventListener(), EventTarget.removeEventListener(): Registers and removes an event handler of a specific event type
    • EventTarget.dispatchEvent(): sends an Event to the object, invoking the affected EventListeners in the appropriate order
  • An example of creating and triggering events by Mozilla

2. Node

  • Node inherits from EventTarget
  • An abstract base class, the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model
  • A generic name for any type of object in the DOM hierarchy
  • Many other DOM API objects are based upon Node
    • Objects such as Document, Element, and DocumentFragment are its subclasses, which implement the functionality of Node.
    • Every kind of DOM node is represented by an interface based on Node.
  • There is no such thing as a Node object!
  • A text node is a Node, but not an Element: see editing a TextNode object.

3-1. Element

  • Element inherits from Node: Element “is-a” Node object
  • The most general base class from which all element objects (i.e. objects that represent elements) in a Document inherit
    • HTMLElement interface is the base interface of HTML elements
  • A specific type of node that can be directly specified in the HTML file with a tag
  • Defines properties and methods such as id, class, innerHTML, etc.

3-2. Document

  • Document also inherits from Node: Document “is-a” Node object
  • Document interface for HTML documents also also inherits from the HTMLDocument interface
  • An interface that represents any web page loaded in the browser
  • Serves as an entry point into the DOM (Document Object Model) tree
  • DOM tree: A kind of tree whose nodes represent an HTML or XML document’s contents
  • For example, the following document
<title>My Document</title>
  • has a DOM tree that looks like this: DOM tree

  • A DOM tree preserves all whitespace!
  • Describes the common properties and methods for any kind of document (i.e. HTMLDocument implements Document)

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